Ditch the Jargon, Build Trust: Staying Grounded in Client Communication

written by “Jake Mannino”

Have you ever felt like you’re “over your skis” in a sales conversation? You’re throwing out industry jargon, technical terms, and acronyms, but your customer’s eyes are glazing over.

Welcome to the land of lost credibility.

Building trust is the cornerstone of successful client relationships. And trust dissolves faster than a snowball in July when customers feel like you’re talking down to them or using language they don’t understand.

So, how do you stay grounded and communicate effectively? Here are some actionable tips:

Embrace Humility:

  • It’s okay to say “I don’t know, but I can find out for you.” Pretense is transparent. Authenticity builds trust.
  • Focus on being a trusted advisor, not a walking encyclopedia. Your value lies in your ability to understand their needs and provide solutions, not just spout facts.

Speak Their Language:

  • Research your audience. Understand their industry terminology and communication style.
  • Avoid jargon and acronyms. If you must use them, explain them clearly the first time.
  • Focus on clear, concise communication. Use simple language that resonates with your customer.

Honesty is the Best Policy:

  • Don’t overpromise or make guarantees you can’t keep. Transparency fosters trust.
  • Focus on the genuine value you offer. Let your product or service speak for itself.
  • Be upfront about any limitations or potential challenges. Open communication builds stronger relationships.

Staying grounded isn’t just about avoiding jargon. It’s about building genuine connections with your clients. By demonstrating humility, speaking their language, and prioritizing honesty, you’ll establish yourself as a trusted partner, not just a salesperson.

Ready to take your communication skills to the next level? Stay tuned for future articles where we’ll explore additional strategies for effective client communication!

Happy Selling - Jake Mannino

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