
Jake Mannino’s

Blog and Insights

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The Art of Losing: Embracing Defeat for True Victory

written by “Jake Mannino” In a world that celebrates winners and prizes success above all else, it’s easy to see...

Don’t Let Missed Targets Discourage You! Taking a Shot is What Matters

written by “Jake Mannino” In the fast-paced world of sales and business, it’s easy to get caught up in the...

Wake Up and Sniff the Potential: Unleash Your Sales Success

written by “Jake Mannino” Every day offers a new opportunity to achieve greatness, especially in the world of sales. The...

Hard Work: The Cornerstone of Success

written by “Jake Mannino” In a world where quick fixes and shortcuts often dominate the conversation, it’s easy to overlook...

Hyperbolic Discounting: The Lure of the Immediate

written by “Jake Mannino” In a world filled with instant gratification—from same-day deliveries to one-click purchases—it’s easy to fall into...

Novelty Bias: The Shiny Object Syndrome

written by “Jake Mannino” In today’s fast-paced world, where new technologies, trends, and ideas emerge almost daily, it’s easy to...

Accept It, Change It, Leave It: Your Empowerment Blueprint

written by “Jake Mannino” Life presents us with countless challenges, decisions, and situations that can often feel overwhelming. Whether it’s...

Deep Dive, High Impact: The Deep Work Sprint for Focused Entrepreneurs

written by “Jake Mannino” Feeling like your to-do list is a bottomless pit, and shallow tasks keep swallowing your precious...

The Eisenhower Matrix: Your Secret Weapon for Prioritization (Especially for Busy Entrepreneurs)

written by “Jake Mannino” Feeling overwhelmed by the never-ending to-do list? As an entrepreneur, your time is your most valuable...
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