From FOPO to Fearless: Conquering the Fear of Other People’s Opinions and Taking Action

written by “Jake Mannino”

Hey there, everyone! Jake Mannino here, and today we’re tackling a fear that holds WAY too many of us back: FOPO, the Fear Of Other People’s Opinions.

We’ve all been there. You have a great idea, but that pesky voice in your head whispers, “What if they think it’s stupid?” You want to take a step towards a goal, but the fear of judgment paralyzes you.

But here’s the truth: FOPO is a total buzzkill. It steals our confidence, stifles our creativity, and keeps us stuck in the land of “what ifs.” The good news? There are powerful strategies to conquer FOPO and embrace a fearless mindset that propels you towards action and achievement.

Step 1: Identify Your FOPO Triggers.

What situations typically trigger your FOPO? Is it public speaking? Sharing your work with colleagues? Putting yourself out there in a new social setting? Recognizing your triggers is the first step to managing them.

Step 2: Challenge Your Negative Thoughts.

That voice in your head? It’s not always your friend. When FOPO strikes, challenge those negative thoughts. Ask yourself:

  • Is this thought realistic?
  • What’s the worst-case scenario, and is it really that bad?
  • What evidence contradicts this negativity?

Step 3: Focus on Your “Why.”

Why are you pursuing this goal or taking this action? Remind yourself of the bigger picture, the passion that drives you. A clear “why” becomes your anchor, providing strength and motivation when FOPO tries to pull you down.

Step 4: Celebrate Small Wins.

Progress, not perfection, is key. Acknowledge and celebrate your small victories. Each step forward builds confidence and chips away at FOPO’s power.

Step 5: Surround Yourself with Supportive People.

Find a tribe who believes in you and encourages you to go for it. Positive and supportive people can drown out the noise of FOPO and fuel your fearless spirit.


  • You can’t control what others think, but you can control your own thoughts and actions.
  • Most people are too busy worrying about themselves to be scrutinizing you as much as you think.
  • Taking action is always better than staying stagnant. Even if you stumble, you’ll learn and grow.

Let’s move from FOPO to fearless! Share your experiences with FOPO in the comments below. What strategies have helped you overcome it? And remember, subscribe for more tips on conquering fear and achieving your goals! Together, let’s build a community of fearless action-takers!

Happy Selling - Jake Mannino

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